7 nights with hiking fun for the whole family
The Legend of the Bruderhüsli (brother's house)
An architectural sign of gratitude
The Bruderhüsli is the local name for a special small chapel, decorated with a picture of the Virgin Mary and is located close to the small St. Agatha church about half way to Dalaas. The small chapel is located in the solitude of the forest is a very popular excursion destination, especially for everyone who needs a rest after the quite challenging hike up there.
Legend has it that the founder and donor of the chapel was a man from Tannberg, who had a stillborn son. The fact that he could not have his son christened afflicted the devout father. In those times it was the custom to carry stillborn babies to the church in Schruns in the Montafon and to lay them on the Josefi-Altar.

A false christening
Afterwards trustworthy witnesses were gathered for a joint prayer. Sometimes, they say, a spark of life would return to the dead bodies and the holy christening could take place.
The religious man from Tannberg ordered that his dead son should be brought to Schruns. His servant, though, was not as superstitious and only carried the child's body to the Dalaas Forest, where he buried it.
He told the father that there was an undoubted sign of life when the baby's lips and cheeks suddenly blushed, a fact that the mourning father was content with.
An unexpected return
One year went by and the man from Tannberg and his wife were lucky enough to get a second son, but he as well was stillborn and this time the father himself carried the corpse to Schruns in order to have it christened. Half way from Dalaas to the heights of the Kristberg he was tired and took a rest and as he was sitting there and wiping the sweat from his forehead, he could hear a calling from under a clod of earth.
“Ätti, nimm mi o met!” (Father, take me with you too!)
As the voice called out once more, whiningly and pitifully, the man from Tannberg started digging and found the unscathed corpse of his child that he recognised instantly because of a mole. He suddenly guessed the servant's betrayal and carried both bodies to Schruns.

A remembrance
There he fulfilled his most profound wish: the bodies of both children showed signs of life for only a few moments during the devout witness' prayer and both were christened by a priest and buried at the cemetery.
To show his eternal gratitude the man from Tannnberg built the Bruderhüsli exactly where he had found his dead son and also founded a charity in order cherish the building.
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